


concept, linguistic and cultural studies, mentality, language world model, Fedir Potushniak, poetic speech, sacred, worldview


The article analyzes the language expression of the concept of «soul» in the artistic works of Fеdіr Potushniak. The features of the worldview of the writer as an artist of the word are revealed. Embodying various aspects of the people’s life in his language, the writer illustrates the importance of the depicted phenomena or events. The main approaches to the interpretation of the concept itself and its classification are analyzed. The peculiarities of the concept of «soul» in the linguistic conceptualization of the world by Fеdіr Potushniak have been clarified. The use of the concept of «soul» in the writer’s poetic works is described in connection with specific features of the Ukrainian mentality. The work uses a linguistic and cultural approach, which made it possible to consider the concept of «soul» as an abstract unit of the mental level. The sacral part of the concept «soul», which occupies a dominant place in the writer’s speech, is emphasized, as well as the conceptual components of its non-sacred part are clarified and illustrated with examples from poetic works. The sacred fragment of the concept of «soul» in Fedіr Potushniak’s lyrics is concretized, connected with religion, with the Bible, which is evidenced by sayings that the soul is given to a person by God. It is also noted that the sacred part of the concept «soul» in the poetic works of Fеdіr Potushniak has both traditional and nontraditional linguistic expression, which is interpreted by the author himself. The artist affirms the opinion about the inseparability of such a concept as a person is a part of a people, a native land. The conceptual components of the non-sacred part of the concept of «soul» in Fedir Potushniak’s poetry are characterized by both a traditional and non-traditional approach, and its content mainly concerns changes in a person’s mental state. It is emphasized that the lexeme «soul» in Fedir Potushniak’s poetic work acquires various functional and stylistic features in various contextual manifestations. In addition, it was noted that a great role in the formation and expression of the concept of «soul» in Fеdіr Potushniak’s language work is played by the words-names of the concept, which are represented by very interesting means of artistic expression. Summarizing the conducted research, the author concludes that concept of «soul» in the language work of Fedir Potushniak reflects, first of all, the spiritual life of Ukrainians, which is verbalized in the extralingual plane, creating a language world model and shaping the language personality of the writer.


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