



borrowings, foreign words, language contacts, language recipient, adaptation, assimilation


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the processes of borrowing and their changes, assimilation in the Spanish language on the material of three Romance languages, namely French, Portuguese and Italian. Historical connections, events and rich cultural exchange greatly influenced linguistic interaction through commerce, migration, literary and artistic influences, leading to the borrowing of words. We also studied the views of well-known linguists on the concepts of borrowing and foreign words, types of classifications of borrowed words. It should be mentioned that the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language remains the classic for the settlement of various issues related to the Spanish language. The official Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (DRAE) was created here, which, in fact, became the material for searching and describing loanword changes, their characteristics and classification. It was found that the main reason for borrowing, adapting and assimilating new lexical elements is the lack of a term to denote a certain phenomenon or concept in the native language or borrowed words give a new shade or emotional coloring to a lexical unit already existing in the Spanish language. Thus, in the process of borrowing, words are added to the lexical fund, in our case, of the Spanish language, having passed certain stages of adaptation at the phonetic and orthographic level. There is a division that consists in preserving the original spelling and pronunciation or adapting the original pronunciation or spelling. Of course, the lexical composition of the Spanish language is saturated with foreign words, the use of which is widespread or deeply rooted. Therefore, the main focus of the article is on language interference. The historical, geographical and cross-cultural ties of Spain with France, Portugal and Italy became the source of the spread of new concepts, demonstrated the stability and at the same time the flexibility of the Spanish language system, enriched the Spanish language with various words and brought new meanings.


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