communicative strategies of influence, German language, pragmatics, social advertising discourse, social advertising textAbstract
The article deals with the study of the linguistic and pragmatic specificity of German-language social advertising texts as an effective means of solving social problems. The authors examine the essence and role of social advertising in the communication system and outline the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. In the course of the study, it is established that the discourse of social advertising is a communicative event that is verbalised in the form of a minimal agitation and propaganda type of text and aims to raise public awareness of social problems, to encourage certain behaviour that could help in solving them. The central place in any social advertising message is occupied by the social advertising text, which, unlike commercial advertising, is not aimed at making a profit or promoting a particular product, service or manufacturer. In order to typologise German social products using examples of social advertising messages on various topics, the authors of the article provide a comprehensive classification of its types according to various differentiating features, such as the method of distribution, the nature of the objectives, the form of appeal, the type of the subject matter of advertising, the scope and method of influence. The main focus of the research is on a comprehensive analysis of communication strategies of influence in social advertising texts and on the study of their pragmatic value. From this point of view, the strategies of updating information, establishing contact with the recipient, finding a "common platform" and maintaining thematic tension were identified. The study also found that communication strategies in the texts of German-language social advertising are implemented through communication tactics, the most common of which are factualisation, visibility, parallelism, juxtaposition, diachrony, staging, irony, grandiosity, solidarity, dialogue, generalisation, appeal to images and clichés, dramatisation and conflict.
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