


perceptual modus, perceptual lexical units, visual percepts, visual perception, colour naming


The prospects of scientific research in artistic perception are described in this article. Especially the artistic perception which is illustrated in the literary text, opened for bodily cognition. The authors investigated architectonics of sensuality based on the integration of different sensations, new verbal ways of denoting sensory manipulations, which facilitates the manifestation of perceptual images and perceptual actions. The main text of research is Ukrainian modern military prose, novel “Dotsia” by Tamara Horikha Zernia. The role of contextual environment in defining the semantic scope of preceptive lexical units is emphasised. It has been found that perceptual vocabulary not only helps the author to materialise the psycho-emotional state of the characters, but also encourages the reader to think imaginatively and perceptually, to generate non-standard associations during modelling the image of objective reality. The main emphasis is placed on the results of verbalisation of the basic extrinsic sensations – visual. The visual percepts that tune in to the visual perception of the image are characterised through the prism of semantic load. The core perceptual lexical units that manifest and express cognitive images are identified. It is proved that the individual-author's comprehension of the colour feature changes the traditional ways of perceiving colour, which shows a tendency to such modifications and unpredictable metamorphoses. At the same time, the author of the novel appeals to the traditional perception of some colour vocabulary based on cultural and mental cognitive modes of national consciousness. The authors interpret situations of visual perception, which include colour names of both natural objects and artefacts. Colourful vocabulary is used not only to describe the object of reality, but also for abstract phenomena, feelings and situations. The use of vocabulary with implicit, hidden colour information in the text and its content components is proved.


Горіха Зерня Т. Доця. 2019. Retrieved December 5, 2023, from

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