


psychobiography, novel, author, narrator, conceptual metaphor


The article deals with the narratological and cognitive focus of the author’s position in psychobiographical novels by Stepan Protsiuk. The contemporary researches on the cognitive functions of narrative in philosophy and literary studies have been analyzed. The process of narration of a fictional biographical work has been recognized as a cognitive act, in particular in connection with the peculiarities of the author’s perception of the writer’s image and the coverage of key modes of his life story to construct the corresponding image in the mind of the recipient. The types of narrators used by Stepan Protsiuk in his psychobiographical novels have been analyzed. It has been found that the author chooses the omniscient type of narrator in a variable – extradiegetic and intradiegetic – position. The influence of the omniscient type of narrator on the reader’s perception of the writer-hero has been analyzed. It has been proved that the blurred boundary between the categories of character and narrator in psychobiographies by Stepan Protsiuk creates a deep internal perspective for the cognitive analysis of the protagonist’s image. The cognitive possibilities, functions and features of the conceptual metaphor in Stepan Protsiuk’s novels have been researched. A common anthropomorphic image of the conceptual metaphor used by the author at the level of the leitmotif structure of psychobiographies has been determined. The plot development of novels by Stepan Protsiuk has been analyzed through the prism of the functions of conceptual metaphor on various structural elements of their composition. It has been proved that the conceptual metaphor is the basis of the character’s cognitive map-path in psychobiographical novels by Stepan Protsiuk, and its influence on the central image of the writer-hero and on the reader’s reaction has been determined. The existence of a deep intellectual and emotional connection between the narrator and the recipient has been proved. The diagrams of narrative and cognitive focus of the author’s position in psychobiographical novels by Stepan Protsiuk are modeled, and its key aspects have been identified, including: a deep inner perspective, presentation of character development, use of symbolism and imagery aimed at revealing the mental states and internal mechanisms of the writer-heroes.


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