ekphrasis, intermediality, painting, cinema, David EbershoffAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of ekphrasis as an interartistic phenomenon in literary and cinematic contexts. The purpose of the article is to make a comparative interpretation of ekphrasis on the example of the work of the contemporary British writer David Ebershoff "The Girl from Denmark" (2000) and its 2015 film adaptation by Tom Hooper. The work is inspired by the life story of outstanding artists of the early 20th century: landscape painter Einar Wegener (Lili Elbe) and his wife, portrait painter Gerda Wegener. The basis of this study is the comparative method, involving a comparative analysis of literary and cinematic works belonging to different 'semiotic discourses.' The cognitive-semiotic method was chosen to analyze the textual component and distinguish the lexical units used by the author to create ekphrastic descriptions. Such an approach contributes to a deeper understanding of the nature and functions of ekphrasis as an artistic phenomenon, emphasizing its importance in intercultural and interartistic dialogue. The research is carried out in the context of intermedial studies, which involve understanding ekphrasis as an intermedial reference within different sign systems. It has been observed that ekphrases in a literary work and its film adaptation, although representing the same artistic objects (in this case, paintings), convey their fullness heterogeneously. Considering the different types of ekphrasis (attributive, depictive, interpretive, dramatic), it was noted that each of them fulfills its own role, which helps to better understand the plot and ideas of the work. Verbally, ekphrasis in the structure of the text was implemented using lexical units that can be categorized into a thematic group related to painting. This thematic group encompasses several subthemes, including tools and artistic techniques, color, as well as impressions and perceptions. Moving forward, the prospect of further research involves analyzing additional works and their film adaptations with artistic themes. This expanded analysis will explore ekphrasis across a broader spectrum, encompassing not only painting but also architecture or sculpture.
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