political speech, political leader, humor, irony, sarcasm, satireAbstract
The article substatiates the role of the comic in the rhetoric of political leaders in the context of military conflicts: W. Churchill during the Second World War and V. Zelenskyy during the full-scale russian-Ukrainian war. The objective of the article is to determine the functions of the comic in W. Churchill’s and V. Zelenskyy’s rhetoric in the context of military and crisis situations and establish its impact on the audience. The conducted research demonstrates that various types of the comic (humour, irony, sarcasm, and satire) are a powerful communication tool that raises morale, unites people, demoralizes the enemy, mobilizes the population, and spreads certain ideas. Humour and irony are viewed as mechanisms used to maintain morale and instill hope in the population, while sarcasm and satire serve to ridicule the enemy and expose their failings. W. Churchill used satirical metaphors to humiliate the enemy. Satire and sarcasm helped the Prime Minister of Great Britain ridicule the enemy and encourage the population by contrasting the expectation and reality of the enemy's actions. V. Zelensky skillfully uses irony and sarcasm to promote patriotism. The comic becomes a powerful tool in the psychological and information war, demonstrating the strong position of the nation thanks to the ironic statements of the President of Ukraine. The use of the comic in the speeches of political leaders helps people feel part of something more important and gives strength to overcome difficulties. Effective use of the comic by speakers requires a thorough approach that takes into account the context and historical events.
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