figures of sound, iconicity, Mykola Bazhan, poetic text, Rainer Maria Rilke, translation, Vasyl StusAbstract
The paper looks into the way figures of sound in R. M. Rilke’s poetry are conveyed in Ukrainian translations of R. M. Rilke's poetic text "Spanish Dancer" by Vasyl Stus and Mykola Bazhan. A linguosemiotic approach to the analysis of translation is applied, according to which phonographic figures are considered as iconic symbols, i. e. linguistic units that combine the properties of symbolic and iconic signs. The center of attention is symbolic-iconic semiosis, i. e. the process of creating meaning with iconic symbols, which involves the simultaneous symbolic (i. e. verbal) nomination of an object of reality and its iconic rendering. In this study, the object of reality is the visual effects and sounds associated with the Spanish flamenco dancer's performance, which the poetic text evokes in the reader: visual and auditory varieties of image iconicity take place. The text implies the presence of symbolic nominations and iconic presentations of the object, the quantitative ratio of which determines its degree of iconicity. The original text has 16 symbolic nominations and 19 iconic presentations of dance rendering and sounds, so it exhibits a high degree of iconicity. In the text of Stus's translation, there are 18 symbolic nominations, and only 7 iconic presentations. Instead, Bazhan's translation has a ratio of 21 to 20. It is concluded that in regard to conveying the figures of sound, Bazhan's translation is closer to the original than Stus's translation, although both translators were able to equally masterfully convey the imagery of Rilke's text.
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