


economic terminology, communication theory, English specialized periodicals, text, field-specific sublanguage, metaphorization


The article is devoted to the study of economic terminology as an object of communication theory. The analysis of the language material allows the authors to assert that the specialized text of economic discourse uses an appropriate language code, which is a system of certain terminological signs and rules for their use. The article finds that the success of such professional communication as business one is largely influenced by overcoming the difficulties associated with decoding foreign economic terminology and taking into account the peculiarities of economic terms in the source language. Therefore, from the point of view of the theory of communication, the study of English economic terminology, which at the semantic level performs the function of adequacy in transmission, decoding and understanding of the relevant terminological signs and meanings of a professional message, is of great relevance. The study identifies and analyzes the terms of the English economic discourse of specialized periodicals on the basis of partiality. The terminological saturation of economic discourse increases its communicative load due to various semantic processes, among which metaphorization occupies a special place. The article highlights the communicative role of metaphor in the texts of economic discourse, which is interpreted by the authors as one of the means of realizing the tendency to expressiveness, to constant updating of the form with the aim of a non-standard effect that can color the scientific style of presentation with expressive and evaluative characteristics. On the basis of the material studied, it is proved that the specificity of the metaphorical use of terms is to fulfill a special communicative function – to enhance the pragmatic effect of economic discourse texts. Substantive and verbal metaphors, phraseological units based on metaphorical transfer, and extended metaphors make the texts of economic publications attractive not only for economists but also for readers who are not experts in the field of economics, and economic discourse is enriched with new meanings and terms that allow to enhance the pragmatic effect of such texts and deepen their communicative load in the process of exchanging professional information between the addressee and the recipient.


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