


nomination, metaphor, metonymy, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics


This article looks into the phenomenon of metaphorical and metonymic nomination in the thematic lexical group "women's clothing" in linguocognitive and pragmatic aspects. Nominative processes have a wide range of use: from giving objects names, which is determined by the objective need of society, to specifying or providing additional content for a more detailed and colorful image of reality, which, first of all, forms individual picture of the world. In the light of the cognitive-discursive paradigm, the relevance of the study of nominative processes is explained by the growing interest in the degree of influence of linguo-cognitive factors on the process of formation of language units based on metaphor and metonymy, which are used to distinguish and name objects of reality, and a pragmatic attitude towards them. Nominations identifying items of clothing in a literary text are of great importance in a cultural and social perspective. They not only name items of clothing, shoes and headdresses, but also help to express attitudes towards the characters' appearance, identify their social status and intentions in various situations. They also reflect the habits and way of life of the characters and can evoke emotions in the reader. An important outcome of this research is that the metaphorical nominations in the thematic group «women's clothing” are mainly based on the image metaphor that compares women's clothing items to other items on the basis of visual similarity. Metonymized nominations are based on a wide range of metonymic models (PERSON FOR GARMENT, SPATIAL PART FOR WHOLE, PLACE FOR GARMENT, EVENT FOR GARMENT, MANNER OF PUTTING ON FOR GARMENT, FUNCTION FOR GARMENT). In the literary text sampled for analysis in this article, metaphorized and metonymized nominations of women's clothing contribute to the description of the the characters’ environment, their intersubjective relations, emotional states of the characters, etc.


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